Message From Our New Chair

Hello D-FAC members and friends,
I wanted to say a quick hello, and to express to each of you as to what an honor it is to have individuals express the confidence and faith in me to represent our area as the next Chair for D-FAC.  I am humbled and grateful.  Also, thanks so much to our past officers leadership and members interest in D-FAC. 

My intention with this message is to express the above and to share with you the dates for our monthly meetings for the upcoming calendar year.  2024 is soon upon us and 2023 is rolling to an end.

We have several major life events for every single person on the planet and this time of the year is hard on many, many people.  Young mothers are stressed with all they have to do.  Grandparents are trying get everything together.  Teachers are closing the books on another semester.  Students are stressed to the max with finals and parties.  Dad’s are trying to figure out how to pay for it all and make it to the woods or all the various places that are required to attend.  Employers are trying to get the books to line up and hopefully will not be in the “Red”.  Then….. we all have JOBS that just seem to get in the way of all the other stuff.

I want to call out somethings that are not so obvious.  This is the toughest of times for many.  Especially our elderly.  They are dealing with the memories of “what once was”.  Those lost and those who are not what they once were.  Many of these memories are looked upon fondly but many bring sadness.  A lot share this time to themselves and are alone.  Christmas is a time of sadness for them.

Why do I bring this up?  Well, sadness often invites things that are not sought.  Like alcohol or drugs.  Stress, sadness, just having fun or trying something exciting are all culprits and are friends to abuse. 

I ask that we be vigilant and careful observers of our neighbors, friends and love ones.  Watch for things that “just don’t sound or feel right”.  Listen for where and what is happening to our elderly loved ones and friends.  It could be just a simple invite to come over for a meal that means all the difference.  Being included is all most us want in life anyway.  Let’s be inclusive.  Those that we include will be grateful and we will be blessed in new ways not expected.

Drugs and alcohol are never an answer but are often a silent partner in these times.  Let’s all be aware.

Now, on to our dates:
Jan 9. – Monthly sponsor speaker –  Healthcare sector
Feb 13
March 12
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
Aug 13
Sept 10
Oct 8 – Monthly sponsor speaker – Healthcare sector
Nov 12
Dec 10

Above are the dates for our 2nd Tuesday monthly meetings.  January’s featured speakers will come from Healthcare sector.

I would ask that you look at each of your areas of interest and volunteer for giving the group updates.  Healthcare is up for January and October.  I’ll entertain offers from another sector via email or at our January meeting.  We want to think our December speakers – Faith based sector.  They did a great job and provided some good content for the group.

With all of this I will close with the following:
I wish this note finds each of you in good health and brings my wishes to you for a wonderful Christmas season.  I sincerely wish you find happiness in your lives, prosperity in your work, and joy in your personal relationships.

Eric Shoffner – Chair 24/25

D-FAC new officers:
MIke Neal – Vice Chair / Chair Elect
Gina Morgan – Treasurer
Secretary – Christi Carter

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