Communication from DFC Project Director/D-FAC ChairCommunication

Dated November 3, 2023

This is advance notice for the November meeting as we have several new supporting members and a new active member who joined from Hamburg and Crossett Schools.  We will send out an agenda a week in advance, but wanted to give all of you a “heads up” about the November and December meetings.

Three of our members have graciously accepted the opportunity to serve as the nominating committee to recruit new officers for next year.  Our Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Mr. Daniel Shelton, Jr., has accepted a new position as the Peer Support Specialist for the 10th Judicial District and thus is presented with a very challenging several months of training and getting into the responsibilities of his new job.  Congratulations to Daniel!!!  Therefore, we will need a new chair, vice-chair/chair elect, secretary, and treasurer.  I sincerely want to thank the individuals who have served in those positions over the past two years!  

The nominating committee members are:  Sherri Hendrix, Daniel Shelton, Jr., and Brother Mike Neal.  Please be in prayer and in support of them as they talk to some of you about serving.  We sure need members, sector leaders, and officers from all over Ashley County.  Some conversations have already been initiated, but if you are feeling led to volunteer, please make one of the committee members aware.  A requirement for serving as an officer is that a nominee must be an “Active Member” which means someone who attends at least half of the meetings per year.  Please read the by-laws that Mr. Arlyn has posted on our website ( so that you will understand the duties and responsibilities of each of these positions.  Those of us who have served are more than willing to assist anyone who will take on an officer position.  I will actually remain on the Executive Committee as “Immediate Past Chair.”  Yay!  😉

It has been suggested that we dedicate a meeting to getting better acquainted and take some time to share our stories.  That is a great suggestion (thank you Gina and Bro. Mike) and will be the major part of our November meeting.  It has also been recommended (thanks to Mary Vaughn) that we learn more about the sectors and give members a chance to explain why their sector is important to the Coalition.  We will recognize the Faith-Based Sector and hear from their members at our December meeting (Ronnie Donaldson, Bro. Ephraim, Bro, Mike, and Mandy Morris).

We learned this week that the projects Lisa and Liz have completed for the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America training (CADCA National Academy) have scored 98.888889%.  Congratulations to Lisa and Liz for their hard work on those projects!  They will be sharing them with us during the next few months!  And they will get to go to a national leadership conference in Washington, D.C. in January-February to “graduate” from the Academy.  

I forwarded a message from Roshunda Davis-Johnson regarding a Meth Conference in Crossett in December.  If I failed to get you on the message and you are interested in presenting, contact Roshunda.

This coming Wednesday, November 8, is the Stop Overdose Summit in Little Rock. If you haven’t registered and desire to go, there may still be openings.  Check on the  Arkansas Attorney General’s website or let me know.  Hope to see you there.  Let me know if you want to carpool. 

We had a great Red Ribbon Week in Ashley County!

Thank you for all you do; it makes a difference.


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