Fentanyl Quiz

Less than half of young Americans ages 13-24 and just over a third of teens know that fake pills are manufactured with fentanyl, according to a study commissioned by nonprofit charity Song for Charlie.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 80-100 times stronger than morphine. Pharmaceutical fentanyl was developed for pain management treatment of cancer patients, applied in a patch on the skin. Because of its powerful opioid properties, Fentanyl is also diverted for abuse. Fentanyl is added to heroin to increase its potency, or be disguised as highly potent heroin. Many users believe that they are purchasing heroin and actually don’t know that they are purchasing fentanyl – which often results in overdose deaths. Clandestinely-produced fentanyl is primarily manufactured in Mexico.

Take the Fentanyl Quiz to determine your knowledge of fentanyl. The answers might surprise you.

Here is another site with more information about fentanyl. Fentanyl awareness day

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